
Program for Fat Loss
Who is this program suited to:

If you are a busy person and have had trouble managing your weight,  then this is the program for you.

Program for Stress Management and Wellbeing
Who is this program suited to:

If you are a busy person an who balances business with family and home commitments, feel like you never have time to yourself, wake up feeling tired,  find it hard to lose weight, lack energy, have sweet cravings and rely on caffeine to keep you going – then this is the program for you.

Program for Pain Management and Rehabilitation
Who is this program suited to:

If you are a busy person who balances business with  home commitments, feel like you never have time to yourself, have pain in your body and are prone to injuries, wake up feeling tired, find it hard to lose weight, lack energy and need help with mobility – then this is the program for you.

Small Group Personal Training:

Working within a small group can be a create way to achieve motivation and results without the price tag of one on one sessions. I offer small group Pilates and Mobility sessions, small group Core and Abs sessions and small groups for Seniors. Call me now to receive a voucher for a free trial to any session.

What the Programs involve:
We perform a full lifestyle, posture and mobility assessment which enables us to identify where the body is weak and needs care. The focus is on energy creating movement with big calorie burning movements as well as energy giving foods. We balance any structural imperfections and engage in metabolic strength training, cardiovascular training and mobility work. You will burn more calories just going about your every day work.  In each workout  you focus on your breathing and the movement so that you leave each session feeling re-energised, strong and mobile. Sounds perfect doesn’t it?

What is Stress:

Stress can be caused by a many things. The body is amazing  and will move, think and function in optimal situations but when it's stressed it's ability to complete tasks becomes strained, no different to you trying to do something when too much is going on around you. While you may not feel stressed, stress can be caused by other factors and the body can feel stressed even if you don't. If you are under stress and have average eating patterns, it can be the main reason why you fail to lose weight. You may not be aware of  chemical stressors in food, environmental stressors at home and work and lifestyle stressors like movement and medications. Cortisol is the stress hormone released when your body feels stress and is directly related to tummy fat. Exercise is another stressor on the body, an increase in exercise to an already stressed system can lead to more tummy fat! Who wants that?